The Mountain Host program can be a steppingstone to join Ski Patrol if you have the ski/ride skills and are able to complete the medical training required. You can also join the Mountain Host program solely for volunteer purposes if you have limited or no skiing or snowboarding experience. This program accepts both youth and adults.


Mountain Host Application

Please provide all prior, relevant experience here.
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Please provide any medical certifications you have here.
0 of 600 max characters
Tell us about yourself, as well as your interest in the Mountain Host program and why you'd like to join our team here.
This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.


  • Age 15 and up
  • Demonstrate positive and supportive attitude toward self, others, and the program
  • Demonstrate willingness to learn the name of every slope at Cataloochee Ski Area (you can refer to our printed map)
  • Demonstrate willingness to learn basic first aid
  • Commit to serving for at least two sessions during the season
  • Adult signs Wavier Form (for self). Parent or guardian signs for child
  • Provide your own transportation and park where directed
  • Provide own appropriate clothing for the weather conditions (yellow Mountain Host vest will be supplied)
  • Upon acceptance, join NSP as Mountain Host Member and fulfill all requirements


All dates are dependent on ski area conditions and staffing demands. Our highest business volume and greatest demand for Mountain Host volunteers is from 8:00 AM to 3:00 PM, and days of greatest need are holiday weekends.

COMMITMENT to at least two (2) sessions during:

Martin Luther King Holiday Weekend
President’s Day Holiday Weekend

Your help is also welcome on other dates! Mountain Hosts will work outdoors in all conditions; wind, rain, snow, sunshine or whatever nature and/or the snowmaking machines deliver.


ski patrol 674


Our patrol is comprised of both a weekday paid staff and a weekend volunteer staff. The volunteer ski patroller typically works every third weekend throughout the winter. Our paid staff has both full-time and part-time seasonal opportunities and works primarily on the weekdays.

The Cataloochee Ski Patrol is a diverse group ranging in age from 15 to 75 plus. Our backgrounds range from college students to engineers, to medical doctors and nearly every background in between. We have ski patrollers in their first season working hand in hand with veteran ski patrollers of over 40 years. We have couples who patrol together, mothers and daughters who patrol together, and friends who have recruited other friends.

If you join our ski patrol family, you will find a supportive and welcoming group of talented individuals with a common interest in skiing and helping others. Please understand that new ski patroller training is hard, but we will offer you training and support to succeed. Along the way you will learn a lot about yourself and make some new friends.

We are professionals

All CSP members are (OEC) Outdoor Emergency Care technicians or operate under OEC protocols. There are two distinct tracks to join CSP. The first track requires that you must either have a current medical certification or license such as WFR, EMT-B, RN, or PA and successfully complete our weekend challenge test to earn an OEC certification. This includes a written test and a hand-on skills “scenario based” evaluation. A current Professional Rescuer CPR certification is also required annually.

The second track is designed for those who wish to join the ski patrol but lack current certifications or prior medical training. The OEC class is taught by CSP instructors and takes approximately 4 months to complete. The current format includes weekly online work, and in person review sessions with hands-on practice and feedback.

To join CSP, your skiing and riding ability will be evaluated. We are primarily looking for candidates who snowboard or ski at an intermediate level or above.

Interested in becoming a patroller?

Cataloochee Ski Patrol (CSP) has over 100 dedicated members who wear the ski patrol cross to promote safe skiing and help the sick and injured. All members of CSP are also members of the National Ski Patrol.

Ski Patrol Application

Position Applying For:(Required)
What is your discipline of choice?
What is your skill level in this discipline?
Please provide all prior, relevant experience here.
0 of 600 max characters
Please provide all CURRENT medical certifications here.
0 of 600 max characters
Please provide all prior and/or expired, relevant medical certifications here.
0 of 600 max characters
This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.


Youth Patrol is a fun way to learn about Ski Patrol service, emergency medicine, effective communication, team building, resort management, and advanced ski and ride technique. Joining the National Ski Patrol is not required. The program may or may not be compatible with service credit–check with your school. You do not need to be an extrovert or know anything about ski patrol, risk management, medicine, etc. to join.

This program is for advanced skiers and boarders under the age of 18, generally 11 to 17 years of age. Applicants must be able to ski making parallel turns safely and in control down the Upper Omigosh trail or be able to snowboard making carving turns safely and in control down Upper Omigosh trail. Not all applicants can be accepted.

You might be a good fit for Youth Patrol if you:

  • Have the ski/ride skis noted above
  • Have an intrinsic motivation to help others through acts of conscientious service, team building, and learning and growing together
  • Are willing to learn how to better communicate with and better meet the needs of others who are injured or ill
  • Wish to improve your ski / ride technique to increase your safety and enjoyment on any slope
  • Want to grow and succeed to the best of your ability in all areas of your life

Youth Patrol requires a commitment to at least two (2) sessions during the season. Sessions are 7:30 AM to 12:00 PM on Saturday and Sunday.

Meetings are in groups of 12 for each session. For ski/ride training and risk management duties, the preferred ratio is one (1) National Ski Patrol leader per three (3) to four (4) youth participants.

At age 15, a person can begin the medical training to become a Young Adult Patroller (YAP). YAP is available to people ages 15-17. Youth Patrol is not a pre-requisite for YAP. Youth Patrol participation will increase the likelihood that a person is a good fit for patrolling and increase the likelihood of quickly learning the medical, ski/ride, toboggan handling, and team skills required to be an effective patroller on any mountain.

Youth Patrol & YAP

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Next Steps: Sync an Email Add-On

To get the most out of your form, we suggest that you sync this form with an email add-on. To learn more about your email add-on options, visit the following page ( Important: Delete this tip before you publish the form.

Contact Information

Complete this form if your child would like to apply to Youth Patrol (11-17) or Young Adult Patrol (15-17) for the 2023-24 season.
Parent / Guardian Name(Required)
Applicant Name(Required)
MM slash DD slash YYYY
Applicant / Parent / Guardian Email Address(Required)
Will the applicant Ski or Snowboard?(Required)
Home Mailing Address
This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.

Ski With A Patroller

SundayDecember 1, 2024
SundayJanuary 26, 2025
SundayFebruary 23, 2025


Are you 15 years or older?  Do you have a desire to help others?  Then Ski Patrol might be for you!

(No medical background is required.  Those with a medical background are always welcome!)

Our current Patrollers come from all walks of life including accountants, doctors, lawyers, ministers, teachers, EMS professionals, executives, industry, mail carriers, engineers, students, and retirees. We live as far away as Texas and Florida or as close as Maggie Valley.

We include skiers, snowboarders, and telemark skiers. Approximately 60% of us are Volunteers and 40% are Paid.  Volunteer Patrollers provide coverage on all weekends during the season and Paid Patrollers provide coverage M-F, and Sunday nights.


We are Patrollers because we love the sport, we possess a strong desire to help others, and we love wearing the ski patrol cross with honor.

Does this sound like you?  Then join us for SWAP!


SWAP is our (Ski With A Patroller) opportunity where you can learn about Cataloochee Ski Patrol. It is a full day of learning, skiing/riding, and sitting down for an interview.  The interview is an opportunity for you to tell us about yourself, to ask questions, and for us to learn about your interest in joining Patrol. We’ll cover information about what a patroller does at Cataloochee, the different tracks to become a patroller, ski training opportunities, medical training information, and future dates for classes.


Please provide all prior, relevant experience here.
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Please provide all CURRENT medical certifications here.
0 of 600 max characters
Please provide all prior and/or expired, relevant medical certifications here.
0 of 600 max characters
Tell us about yourself, as well as your interest in the SWAP program and why you'd like to join our team here.
This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.


​How do I sign up?
​The first step is submitting a contact form with all your information. Please provide as much detail as possible.

How good of a skier do I need to be to join the Cataloochee Ski Patrol?
During SWAP we will evaluate your riding or skiing skills to determine if you qualify for our ski training program. We prefer to take on candidates with intermediate level riding or skiing skills, or above.

Do I need prior medical or emergency care experience?
You do not need prior medical or emergency care experience as our training begins with the Outdoor Emergency Care (OEC) training course. This is a
medical class and practical training program developed by the National
Ski Patrol. OEC is appropriately compared to the training received by a Basic Emergency Care Technician (EMT-B).

OEC classes are offered both in Atlanta, Georgia, and at Cataloochee Ski Area. Total class time for the OEC course runs 120-140 hours. Practical and written evaluations are required to pass the course; and

Certain Medical Professionals, such as MD’s, DO’s RN’s, PA’s, Paramedic’s, EMT’s, or WFR’s with 72+ hours of class time may challenge the course by demonstrating all of the necessary skill performances.


Richard Coyne
Cataloochee Ski Patrol Director

1080 Ski Lodge Rd | Maggie Valley, NC
(828) 926-0285 ext. 7316